Cycle To Work Vouchers

Save at least 25% on a new bike for work!

Tax is complicated; the cycle to work scheme is not.
You choose a bike, hire it for an agreed length of time, then snap it up for a fraction of its original value.
It's like a year-round sale, with interest free credit!

1. Choose your Cyclescheme package

What bike and equipment do you want? Consider your commute. How far is it? What route will you take?Be honest with yourself. What are your priorities? What accessories might you need?

2. Submit your application

This couldn’t be easier. If your employer is signed up with Cyclescheme, they’ll have a unique employer code to use when you apply via If your employer isn’t signed up, they can join for free in just a few clicks here.

On the application page, you’ll be guided through a simple form that asks for your work details, contact information, and the value of the Cyclescheme Certificate you’re applying for. When you submit the form, your employer will receive a copy of your Hire Agreement.

3. Get your Cyclescheme package

With your application approved and paid for by your employer, it’s time to exchange your Cyclescheme Certificate for your Cyclescheme package.

Your salary sacrifice and Hire Agreement now kicks in. For the next 12 months, you’ll pay a set amount from your salary each month in exchange for the hire of your Cyclescheme package from your employer.

The deduction is made from your gross salary, so you make income tax and national insurance savings of 32% if you're a standard rate tax payer, or 42% if you're a higher rate tax payer

4. Transfer ownership

When the Hire Agreement and salary sacrifice ends, you can keep your Cyclescheme Package by making a final payment for just a small amount. 

For a Cyclescheme package under £500, you'll pay 3% of the original value; for a package over £500, it's 7% – so a maximum of £70 on a £1,000 package. The bike remains ‘hired’ for a further 36 months, but with no more monthly payments. Ownership can then officially be transferred to you at no extra cost.

 This method of transferring ownership is why you save a minimum of 25% rather than a minimum of 32%. Many Cyclescheme participants will save more.